Calgary Rangers Selected in National Telus She Can Coach Program

Calgary Rangers Soccer Club is incredibly proud to announce our involvement in the Telus She Can Coach Program. Our Girls U9-U12 Academy Director Stephanie Knight will be leading the program and for any additional information on how to join please email her at:
Please read the below statement from Canada Soccer and click the YouTube video for more information.
TELUS She CAN Coach is a national coach recruitment, development, and training project designed for women to address the challenges they face regarding soccer participation.
This program differs from a typical mentorship program as it involves recruitment, training, and development. It aims to support new and entry-level coaches. As part of our efforts, we welcome current woman coaches who have already begun their coaching pathway and are considered new or beginner coaches in club settings to participate in our program.
Diverse women leaders in sport are critical in creating a welcoming and safe space for girls in sport. This project will strive to support and advance gender equity in soccer by reducing the barriers of entry for women to coach, with the hope that this will increase registration of women and girls and help to balance the gender gap in participation.
We aim to increase the number of women coaches and encourage more girls to engage in the sport.
“TELUS She CAN Coach will align clubs nationwide to actively recruit, develop and inspire women to become coaches in our game by eliminating barriers, providing a welcoming environment, and ensuring all women interested in coaching have a place where they feel they belong.” – Sara McConaghy, Manager, Development – Director, Community and Fund Development
Canada Soccer is partnering with Alberta Soccer and Soccer Nova Scotia for phase one of this project. We will be expanding to move provinces and territories for phase two set to begin in 2024.
The application period for phase one of the TELUS She CAN Coach Program has ended and will reopen for phase two in July 2024.
Canada Soccer has selected the following [twelve] Clubs from Alberta and [eight] Clubs from Nova Scotia for the first phase of TELUS She CAN Coach:
Eastside Memorial FC
Medicine Hat Soccer Association
Calgary Foothills FC
BTB Soccer Club
Calgary Rangers Soccer Club
Mill Woods Soccer Association (Selects FC)
McKenzie United Soccer Club
Calgary Blizzard Soccer Club
Calgary Rockies FC
Spruce Grove Soccer
New Frontier Soccer Club
Calgary Villains FC
Ignite Soccer
Halifax City Soccer Club
Soccer Cape Breton (Cape Breton FC)
Storm Soccer Club
United DFC
Fundy Youth Soccer Club
Suburban FC
Halifax Dunbrack Soccer Club
Canada Soccer would like to thank all the clubs that have submitted applications for the TELUS She CAN Coach. Additional information regarding the next phases of TELUS She CAN Coach will be released in the near future.