Field Status

Field closures will be updated here between 4 - 4.30 pm on weekdays and 8-8.30 am on weekends. If you see no update, the fields are open.

Decisions may be made at the field should conditions change or if there is any thunder or lightning.


U7 – U19 Games (Indoor)

All games proceed unless the City closes roads due to winter weather.

U10 – U12 Games (Outdoor)

These games are played on community fields. Please go to the website of the home team to check for field closures. Club websites can be found HERE. Field status will be updated by 4:30PM on weekdays and 8:30AM on weekends.

Games scheduled on community (club) fields must be played unless the field is closed by the club via the club's website.

U13 – U19 Games (Outdoor)

These games are played on City of Calgary Fields. Check field status online HERE. Field status is updated by 4:00 P.M. on week days and at 9:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. on weekends.

Games scheduled on athletic park fields by CMSA must be played unless the field is closed by the City Parks Department via the field closure phone line or the website.

If you need to reschedule a game due to a field closure, please see the rescheduling forms HERE.

Lightning Safety

Lightning Safety

Air Quality Monitoring

Air Aware