Calgary Rangers Development Plus+ Academy
Technical,1v1s, 2v2s
The Development Academy will develop the players fundamental skills & techniques which will help them execute the weekly themes key phase and principles of play. Each station allows coaches to focus on a particular, game scenario (1v1, 2v1, 2v2s) and get the players to explore solutions. Skills will be explored and broken down by the coach to teach players to master the ball whilst challenging players to use their bodies in different ways and explore different movements.
At Calgary Rangers we feel it is essential that we train the fundamental skills & techniques in order for our players to grow their confidence with the ball. At the U9-U12 age group we believe that players are in the golden years of skill development range and that repetition of the core skills plays a crucial role in their development.
Development Plus+ Academy players will receive age group academy sessions over the course of the season with a focus to improve each individual’s technical ability and in game decision making.
Every session will consist of three 15-20 min drills, plus a 10 min technical warm up:
- Technical Break of Skill - Skills will be explored and broken down by the coach to teach players to master the ball.
- Small-Sided Game: Game led by a coach with rules/conditions to stimulate problem solving and thinking.
- 1v1, 2v1 or Small Unit Activity: An activity that allows coaches to focus on a particular, game scenario or topic and get the players to explore solutions.
- Physical Literacy: Activities that challenge players to use their bodies in different ways and explore different movements.
- Free Play Game: It is their game, so we let them play!