Heroes & Angels Program
Help support soccer players in the Rangers Soccer Community!
With your donation, you can support families in financial need and allow youth to play soccer. In addition, 100% of your donations support our Heroes & Angels Program. Founded in 2016, Heroes & Angels is a wonderful way to spread the joy of soccer to families burdened by the finances of sports. When you give, you are giving more than money. You are allowing players to continue playing a sport they love and helping the overall well-being of players and families; you are the real Angel.
Your support will help us reach our annual goal of $5,000.
Thank you for giving the gift of soccer this season.
The intent of “Heroes and Angels” is to create a platform where members (the “Angels”) have the opportunity to assist fellow members (the “Heroes”) by making a donation to help cover the registration and academy fees for some of our members that have fallen on challenging times.
The Heroes and Angels Program is administered through the Calgary Rangers Foundation, which is a registered charity.
If you are a Hero in need of assistance, please contact Denise Ronsky at dronsky@calgaryrangers.com.